Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Acceptance or giving in?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, in certain situations can acceptance and giving up, mean the same thing?

Health care professionals are very keen that us patients choose to 'accept' our illness. My other half was refused a place on a pain management course, for not coming to terms with having a disability.

But for a stubborn old mule like me, I kind of see that as giving up. Besides, what does accepting an illness really mean? It's not like we can turn round and say 'Nah don't want this' and simply cast it aside.

We have no real choice but to accept we are ill, if we don't and we try and carry on as normal, we'll end up hospitalised, so it's not like there's much choice involved.

 I've had another two insomnia filled nights in a row, does it show?

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