Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I was asked today why I'd started a new blog

I've had a few blogs in the past but although they built up a good following, all eventually succumbed to the delete button. Never to be seen again, except maybe in some strange Google search results in years to come.

The one rule I have created for myself with this blog, is that I wish to remain anonymous as the author. I want some place I can raise awareness but also release my thoughts, without having everyone know it's me. There's no sinister reason to remain anonymous, it's just that publicly I already do enough for the good cause.

So, if you do manage to suss out who I am, please don't out me as the author. I ask you to respect my right to publish anonymously.

As time goes on you will notice I cannot promise to blog with any regularity, I'll just write when health allows.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I think the choice to write anonymously is the right one. Everyone needs a place to offload, whether online or off. I have been considering writing a blog for a while and too would do it anonymously, I see it as a haven for my most honest thoughts.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us xx
